Carter Hones Associates is a multi-faceted
Project and Cost Consultancy providing project strategy, project management, commercial and cost management solutions that enable you to focus on your core business.
Why we do what we do:
We make projects better and that makes us happy, not to mention our clients!
Our clients come from diverse backgrounds and usually not the real estate development sector. We love to take the headache of dealing with project issues away from our clients so they can focus on their core business. It sounds a bit nerdy, but we love to be organised and we know that a well-organised project, with agreed objectives, a clear plan and a set of tools outlining deliverables, programme and budget will, if managed well, make our clients happy. This is a good thing, which we really enjoy doing.
How we do it, is who we are:
We believe in assembling the right team for the right job.
Since 2010, we’ve been bringing together top-class professionals to help contribute their knowledge and experience to suit each individual project. We call these professional team members our ‘Associates’. When we approach a project, our clients get the benefit of a dedicated and skilful team within Carter Hones Associates, but also a professional collaboration of external ‘Associates’ hand-picked for each project, size, type and objective.
What makes us different:
We THINK and then we DO, and this sets us apart.
We come from an architectural design and real estate development background. Because of that, we can get involved very early in a project assisting our clients with project strategies, feasibilities and optioneering: We call that the ‘thinking part’. Once the objectives are agreed and the strategy is locked down, we then implement the plan and manage the project as a pure project manager or even a lead consultant if that is required: We call this part the ‘doing part’. Sometimes we're just asked to provide the thinking part, sometimes the thinking part is already done and we just assist with the doing part. It all depends on our client, the project and where we can add the most value.

We take time to understand your needs and tailor a solution to meet them.
Get in touch to see how we can help.